We can't wait to show you how our experience allows us to enhance yours!
Elemental Formulations is the evolution of our 20+ years' collective experience in the fitness industry. We joined forces because we believe in creating a better, more transparent industry through providing the most effective, purest, and safest products possible.
We are a team of professionals, academics, and athletes who strive for the best in everything we do; and in passing the best we can offer on to you. We're very proud of the team we have assembled and we can’t wait to hear your Elemental experience!
Omar Isuf Co-Founder / Head of Marketing Content Creator Author Serial Entrepreneur
Ben Esgro, RD, CPhT, CSCS Co-Founder / Head of R&D MS Pharmaceutical Chemistry MS Sports Nutrition Registered Dietitian Founder of De Novo Nutrition
Scientific Advisory Board
Michael C. Zourdos, Ph.D., CSCS Tenured Professor Managing Partner: Monthly Applications in Strength Sport (MASS) Owner & Manager: Training Revolution
Eric Trexler, Ph.D., CSCS*D, CISSN Sports Nutrition Researcher Pro Natural Bodybuilder Director of Education, Stronger by Science
Eric Helms, Ph.D., CSCS Research Fellow for Strength & Conditioning and Sports Nutrition & Physiology at Auckland University of Technology Co-Founder 3D Muscle Journey
Mike T. Nelson, Ph.D., MSME, CISSN, CSCS Carrick Institute Adjunct Professor MikeTNelson.com
Jonathan Cayco 93 kg Raw Powerlifter USAPL National Champion American Record Holder 1,915 lb Raw Total View his favorite products
Jessica Buettner 72 kg Raw Powerlifter Canadian National Champion World Record Holder 1,240 lb Raw Total View her favorite Ef products